Sunday, February 25, 2007

Brief Overview

Early (which is relative because the application process began in June when i filled out the AMCAS and AACOMAS primary applicantions) in the application process (October) I found out that I was accepted into Nova Southeastern College of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O. school). I was excited because at least I was going to become a physician. They were the first medical school to invite me to an interview and the first to accept me for the class of 2011. I had sent my primary to other Osteopathic Schools, but once I got accepted into NSUCOM, which is close to home, I did not complete the secondaries for other D.O. schools.

Most recently, I found out I was accepted into the Howard University Medical College Class of 2011. I interviewed on january 17th, 2007 and received my acceptance letter on February 25th, 2007. I found out my acceptance however by calling the Howard Admissions Office after they had notified me by email that they were sending my decision letter.

I also interviewed at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine on February 13th, 2007 (through a blizzard nonetheless which made me a bit late to the interview but I still made it). I got on the waitlist and so therefore the waiting continues to see if I make it off and into the Class of 2011.

I completed secondaries to UM, USF, Emory, Howard, Northwestern, BU, Temple, Drexel, Meharry, Baylor and Nova.

of these only Howard, Meharry, Northwestern and Nova have offered me interviews. I declined the Meharry interview (after Nova acceptance), attended Nova interview and accepted later on, attended the Howard and Northwestern interviews and received acceptance from Howard and still pending at NU. So far the other med schools have not shown me any love.

in the end, i believe people should apply EARLY (of the schools that have gotten back to me 3 of 5 [ NSU, Howard and NU] have offered me acceptances or interview invites) and wide (depending on your stats, the less competative you think you are the wider you should apply) to maximize your chances of admission. good luck to everyone!

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